Hubert Urbański

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journalist/ presenter/ emcee/ influencer


English, Polish

Hubert Urbański is a class and elegance, eloquence and refinement. He studied at the Acting Department of the State Theatre School in Warsaw. He has collaborated with TVP, TV Polsat, and hosted radio shows. For years, he has been associated with TVN, where he hosts the well-known and popular game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, as well as hosting programs such as “I am Who I am”, “Robinson’s Expedition”, “Dancing with the Stars” and many others.

He hosts events in both Polish and English.

Hubert Urbański is a highly experienced and versatile host, with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the entertainment industry. He has hosted a wide range of events, from television game shows and sports broadcasts to corporate events and cultural festivals.

With his engaging personality, natural charisma, and excellent communication skills, Hubert is able to connect with audiences of all ages and backgrounds, and create a fun, entertaining, and memorable experience for everyone involved. He is also a skilled improviser, able to adapt to unexpected situations and keep the show running smoothly.

Moreover, Hubert is known for his professionalism and attention to detail, ensuring that every event he hosts is well-organized, on time, and meets the expectations of his clients and audiences. With his years of experience and vast knowledge of the entertainment industry, Hubert is able to offer valuable insights and guidance to his clients, helping them to create an event that is both enjoyable and impactful.

Overall, if you’re looking for a talented, versatile, and experienced host for your next event, Hubert Urbański is an excellent choice.

I also invite you to collaborate on advertising with the participation of Hubert Urbański.

More information about Hubert can be found in the article: #Hubert Urbański – contact – star profile.

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